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August 21, 2007
The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, August 21, 2007at the multi-purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT. 06482.  Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

PRESENT:  Chet Hopper, Robert Rau, Robert Morey, Tom Long, Mitch Bolinsky, Ted Kreinik
ALSO PRESENT:  Liz Stocker, Community Development Director, 1 member of public Ruby K. Johnson
ABSENT:  Kim Danziger, Joe Hemingway
ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Mr. Hopper asked the commission if there were any comments on the minutes of July 17, 2007.  Mr. Rau moved to accept minutes Mr. Bolinsky seconded motion.  All members were in favor.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Ms. Stocker presented to the commission a NEDA letter, New England Developers Association, confirming partnership with the New England Real Estate Journal (the largest commercial, industrial, investment weekly newspaper in the country).  See Attachment A.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Ms. Ruby K. Johnson of 16 Chestnut Hill Road Sandy Hook, Ct. 06482 was present at the meeting.
Ms. Johnson reviewed discussion of a prior Special Town Meeting held August 6, 2007 where a parcel of land in the rear of Commerce Road be conveyed to a sealed bid to the highest bidder who owns an abutting parcel was topic of discussion.  Ms. Johnson raised concern over a possible disruption of a project the Economic Development Commission has laid out thus being the 37 acre parcel projected for the Tech Park plans.  (See Minutes of Special Town Meeting, August 6, 2007 filed August 10, 2007).
Ms. Johnson also wanted to follow up on the return of investment analysis.  Ms. Johnson presented and reviewed a report generated by the Assessors office, Analysis Fairfield Hills Construction Project (see Attachment B).  Mr. Hopper stated that a similar analysis has already been submitted and the goal is to focus on (local and surrounding) businesses who may be looking to move and Newtown aiming to be that ideal location those businesses are looking for.  Mr. Rau added that an ideal tenant for the Tech Park would add to the Grand List but not so much to the expense of the Town.  Ms. Stocker commented that this is where the advertisements that will be placed quarterly in the New England Real Estate Journal will really help to target those ideal tenants.  Additionally Ms. Stocker stated that currently the Planning & Zoning Commission is rewriting zoning regulations, revising business regulations and the South Main Village (a Newtown as well as a state first) has been approved, also industrial zoning revisions where M-1, M-2 & M-6 are to be merged to M-1 zoning all in hopes to ease project planning.  
Mr. Long questioned if those changes in zoning will impact the Tech Park plans.  Ms. Stocker responded that the changes would have no real impact on the Tech Park.  Mr. Hopper asked if there has been any additional information available regarding the previous Grand Union Building located at 5 Queen Street, Newtown CT. 06470.  Ms. Stocker replied that there has been no new activity regarding a possible new tenant.  Mr. Kreinik added that it may be prosperous and to the advantage of the Town to contact Wild Oats (as the closest location is currently White Plains) and or a similar organic type grocer who may be looking to increase in location.
Mr. Kreinik also added that as it is the responsibility of the commission to consider all aspects to a potential project, safety included.  Mr. Kreinik expressed concern over the possibility that it seems as though a traffic study regarding the proposed Sports Complex on Mt. Pleasant has been over looked and given the magnitude of the project expecting to bring in many new residents from surrounding areas thus increasing traffic flow, the traffic study would be greatly needed and very beneficial.  Mr. Hopper added that the traffic study and any decision regarding the need for additional traffic lights would be at the sole discretion of State Department of Transportation.  Mr. Long asked if Mr. Kreinik felt as though traffic has been an issue continuously overlooked.  Mr. Kreinik felt that it is an issue generally overlooked only because there are usually so many issues to be considered that something goes by the wayside.  Ms. Stocker added to the discussion confidently that with a project of such magnitude on a state highway, a traffic study would definitely not be overlooked where as smaller projects are diligently handled with great specificity.


Salute to Business
Mr. Hopper started by stating that businesses discussed and proposed for being awarded is to be kept confidential although in the minutes, reason being for maximum presentation.  Mr. Hopper reviewed the businesses currently being considered as, Black Swan and Rock Ridge most definitely.  Ms. Stocker suggested Newtown Savings Bank as a third local business who have tore down a pre-existing building and rebuilt (however did not tear down completely).  The commission discussed other possibilities such as an office building located on Church Hill Road which had added a new addition and square footage without changing the outer appearance of the original building.  The commission restated the purpose of Salute To Business as being to honor local businesses who have taken down their original building and have constructed a new building thus improving their appearance and the appearance of the Town overall.  Mr. Kreinik moved to accept Black Swan, Rock Ridge and Newtown Savings officially.  Mr. Morey seconded, unanimously carried.  

EDC Website – Suggestions and finalize
Ms. Stocker stated that she had spoken to Jan Andras regarding the Website.  Ms. Andras is currently updating the website and it is almost completed.  Mr. Hopper added suggestions such as, the links on the site either don’t go anywhere or links should be added.  Additionally, the Commuting Time section of the website seemed to be scattered, Mr. Hopper expressed that some organization may help site visitors, also getting rid of old Commission news and adding new news from the News Times and The Newtown Bee may be beneficial, the addition of a Search Function may also be beneficial to the Website as a whole.

Tech Park Update – Comparison of proposed compromise map
Mr. Hopper presented both maps, original and compromised maps.  As discussed previously, Lots 5 & 6 have been finalized, where Lot 9 is being reserved for future judgment.  Mr. Kreinik suggested giving up Lots 9 & 6  if every building went to two story with underground parking.  Ms. Stocker stated that was not feasible as per zoning regulations.  The Commission discussed lots to be compromised and the cost to the Town of Newtown if such lots were compromised, deciding that all lots (including those set to the side) would have to be sold in order not to be paying more for the project than profits made overall.

Meeting went into executive session at 9:12

Mr. Long moved to return to session at 9:16.  Mr. Morey seconded motion, unanimously carried.

Mr. Kreinik questioned the Commission if with the upcoming election, if chair holders change will it affect the Tech Park plans.  Mr. Hopper stated that this was a good point and that this may in fact change the direction of the Tech Park project.
Mr. Kreinik also brought up the issue of a walking trail accessible to the public as good public relations as well as a conservation approach.  Ms. Stocker was in agreement that this would be a good idea and a town maintenance proposal would have to be made up specifying for example grounds are to be mowed three times monthly.  Ms. Stoker also suggested the possibility of common tenant charge to pay for maintenance on the property.  

Tech Park Marketing Plan – Revise or Quit
Mr. Hopper posed the question to the Commission if plans should move forward with the marketing plan as it is or if contract should be rescinded as plans have changed and the credibility of the current Marketing group, DataCore is in question as now they have changed and cut their price to nearly half of what had been originally proposed.    Ms. Stocker expressed her position  regarding the Marketing plan as being that the Marketing Analysis is vital to getting the project off the ground and continuing to move forward as to move on to the next phase in planning and development.  Mr. Hopper though in agreement with Ms. Stocker, felt as though the timing may be wrong to continue to move forward with the current Marketing firm, DataCore.  Mr. Long questioned if the end outcome will suffer if the Commission maintains the original DataCore proposal.  Mr. Hopper responded, for the proposal to drop so drastically from the original roughly $12,000 to the current proposal of about $5200 raises a credibility question, thus the question of what may be sacrificed in terms of quality.  Mr. Long then asked if a contractual agreement can not be met with the current marketing firm, then is the commission willing to move on to the second most qualified firm to complete the task, this being HMA.  Mr. Morey asked if this second vendor would be able to do a comparable job.  Mr. Hopper stated that HMA has worked with the Town in the past and are well suited to complete the job as they know the area.  Mr. Rau asked how the Town would look if they were to rescind from such a contractual agreement to competing vendors.  Mr. Hopper responded that what is being asked is for the data to be accumulated and that an additional consultant is added to the project.  Ms. Stocker added that no matter the marketing firm gathering the information; it will still be the same information to be gathered.  She again stated that the market analysis needs to be completed now as a task completed on the projects’ agenda in order to be able to move on.  Mr. Long questioned the Commission if a letter had been issued to DataCore stating that they would be the firm handling the project.  Mr. Hopper stated that a letter had in deed been issued May 2007.   Ms. Stocker added that she was in agreement with the suggestion to rescind DataCores offer as being unable reach a contractual agreement and move on to the next qualified vendor.  Mr. Hopper questioned the commission if any member would have an issue if he were to approach First Selectman Mr. Rosenthal and Financial Director Mr. Spragg asking for some direction on how to go about rescinding from the original contractual agreement with DataCore respectfully while moving on to the next vendor, HMA.  Mr. Bolinsky questioned the Commission regarding what it was about DataCores presentation that led to the Commission choosing them over HMA.  Mr. Hopper responded, DataCore essentially sold the Commission on certain factors, however now the credibility issue weighs heavily on the decision.  Mr. Bolinsky added that if in fact DataCore was to be dismissed for reasons of credibility, would the HMA be able to provide the service being sought.  Mr. Hopper responded that HMA has worked with the Town of Newtown in the past and they know the area.  Mr. Long added that he trusts Mr. Hopper’s judgment and if he feels rescinding on the original agreement is the right decision then he will support it.  Mr. Bolinsky was in agreement.   In conclusion, Mr. Hopper stated that he would approach Mr. Rosenthal and Mr. Spragg regarding having been unable to reach a formidable contractual agreement thus how to withdraw respectfully.


The Economic Development Commission having no further business, Mr. Kreinik moved to adjourn the meeting.   Mr. Bolinsky seconded, unanimously carried.  

Meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.

                        Respectfully Submitted,     Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk Pro Tem